Jan 272014

When it comes to peeling garlic, you probably have your own tried and true method for getting the desired result — a clean clove that’s ready to chop.  The last thing you want to do when peeling garlic is spend time trying to hand peel that resilient skin off with your fingertips.

Rather, try one of the methods below for quicker (and easier) results.

Knife Method

Most chefs would probably agree that one of the easiest way to peel garlic is to use the old knife method. First, you separate the garlic cloves from the garlic bulb. Then you take one clove, and remove the root end with a knife. Place the clove on a chopping board, and then place the side of a knife over the clove of the garlic and apply pressure (if need be, tap the knife).

Voilá!  The outer skin magically detaches from the garlic clove.

On their first try, most people don’t hit the blade hard enough and end up having to try it again two or three times. With enough practice, you’ll get the hang of it, knowing just how much force is needed so you only have to smash the knife blade once. Now just remove the skin/waste, and start chopping away or put it in a rolling garlic chopper.

Water Method

There’s another way to peel garlic which takes a bit more time and is a bit more boring.  Fully submerge the garlic clove in cold water for five minutes. Cut off both ends, and peel by hand.

Bowl Method

If you have a whole head of garlic to peel, you will save a lot of time by using the new bowl approach to peeling garlic.  It’s pretty incredible, and you don’t even need a knife!  By far, this two-bowl method is the coolest method…and one that the kids would enjoy too.

Read more about “all things garlic” on our website here.

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